Thursday, November 12, 2009


I finally got a new camera! Well, I don't have it right now but I ordered it and I am picking it up tomorrow! I am so excited! I bought the Nikon Coolppix 12.1. I have researched a lot of cameras and this one seems like it will be great for my "on the go children".

I am going Christmas shopping tomorrow as well and I am super pumped about that. I LOVE to shop! I am a bargain hunter and can only bargain shop if my wonderful husband (whom I am REALLY missing) is not with me. The boys are going to stay with their grandparents while I get my shopping done. This brings me to another point. I am SO thanful for my children's grandparents! They help out sooooo much and I am so glad that they are SO involved in their grandchildren's lives. My boys Great-Grandparents are also so involved. I am so lucky that they are all healthy and are full of life.

Hopefully the next blog will have some very clear pictures from my new camera!


The Bonjour Four said...

you lucky lucky girl!!! im getting one soon too! yay! can't wait for clear pictures.