Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I am posting this one day early because I have to work tomorrow and will not have the time:)

Today is my baby sister's 24th birthday!!!! I can't believe she is 24! We are only 20 months apart and it just seems so funny that I am 25 and she is 24 even if it is only for a few months. She is my best friend and she is the coolest and funniest girl I know. Seriously. I love being around her, she has a presence about her and she puts off a very good energy, (I just sounded like a psychic). She is an amazing Aunt to my kids and she helps me whenever I need it. I am so proud of her and the things she has accomplished.

My Dear Cori,

I hope you have a Happy Happy Day because you deserve nothing but the best. I know sometimes you get the bad hand delt to you but you don't dwell on it you just dust yourself off and keep going. You don't ever hesitate to keep the boys or run and errand for me or let me borrow your clothes even thought I sometimes (okay most of the time) don't do the same for you. I can't believe you are getting married either. You are going to be an amazing wife and mother! Thank you SO much for ALL that you do for me and my little family. I am honored and excited to be your matron of honor. You mean so much too us and we hope that your 24th year brings you much joy. So, Have a Happy Birthday!

Love ya tons,