Friday, August 31, 2012

Flag Football and Furniture

I have found a new hobby!!I have been redoing furniture and I am having sooo much fun!! This is a bookshelf that I custom painted for a little girls room. She wanted zebra:) It turned out so cute. 
This is a piece that I redid argyle on top and distressed it. It is way cute too:)

Now on to the big news. FOOTBALL!!! Briggs has started playing flag football and he had his first scrimmage yesterday. He did really good. They ALL did! It was so cute to watch.
 They had the scrimmage right next to a HUGE playground. Who does that? Obviously that wasn't thought out very well, because all of the boys wanted to go on the playground instead of play football.
 Down, Set, Hut!!!

 Crue enjoying the game.

 Coach Cody:)
I can't believe he is old enough to play football. Gees, where does the time go?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Doctors and Dentists

I am trying to get everything I can done before school starts next week and that means cramming 2 doctor appointments in one day!! Briggs' last orthopedic appointment was Monday morning and everything went great!! No more brace and no more appointments!! Yay!! After that we headed to the dentist!!!
 Briggs did AWESOME!!! He has perfect teeth, no cavities:)

 This was Grady first time to actually sit in the chair and he did REALLY good. No cavities for him either!!
 After the dentist we went to Burger King. The boys sure did enjoy that:)
We took a quick trip to the mall and got the boys some "Wimpy Kid" shoes aka Converse, and then drove home.
It's been a crazy, busy summer and I only think it's going to get crazier!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I forgot to mention that on Sunday the boys got to meet their teachers. Briggs has Miss Jamie and Grady has Miss Paula (who Briggs had last year). These women are PRECIOUS with a capital P!!!! I am so excited for the boys to start!!
 It was rainy this morning so the boys were a little bored so while I was doing my housework I asked if they wanted to help and they said yes!!!! Briggs helped dusting.

Grady helped vacuuming. He even rolled the rug up!!
I did NOT make them do this they wanted to. I am by no means running a sweatshop around here:)
If only they will be this helpful when they are 13. *Sigh. Only time will tell:)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

We had a BUSY weekend!! Saturday was Sunray Funday and the parade started it off. The boys loved it. Especially Crue!! He wanted to jump on every moving vehicle! Ha! It was Cody's 10 year High School reunion and he was on a float in the parade. I got a pic but my computer won't download it!! Ugh. 

The boys loved the fire truck:)

 Grady was really brave and went waaay out in the street to grab candy. The boy has a sweet tooth:)
 After the parade I went and played Mud Volleyball. It was sooooo much fun!! We had a blast. This was our team. Kiss My Pass.
 Saturday night we went to eat with Cody's classmates at one of their houses. It was set up so beautiful and the food was amazing. I didn't grab any pics out there:( These are a few of his classmates that were at the Mud Volleyball.
Cody graduated with I think 44 (don't hold me to that) and I graduated with somewhere around 280, I want to say, huge difference!! I love all of Cody's classmates and we had a great time!! My class reunion is in 2 weeks and I can't wait to see everybody. I had a really great class myself:)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cast Off

Briggs got his cast off!!! Yay!!! Can you believe it has been 5 weeks? Me neither! It flew by. I was kind of anxious that he wouldn't get it off but the x-rays looked good so off it came:)

 Sawing off the cast.
Now he just has to wear a brace for 2 weeks. 

After his appt. we went to feed the ducks. My dad has been ever so kind to watch my other 2 boys while Briggs and I see the ortho. I sure do appreciate it! They loooooove their Papa, after all he acts the same age they do:)

 Then we went to the mall. I had to get some makeup so I let the boys play for a little bit.

 Briggs got to pick where he wanted to eat. He initially chose Hooters. Yes, I said Hooters but I told him the food wasn't good there. (His Dad put this in his head:) So, we went to Applebees.

 It was great, until Briggs puked his lunch up:) The Satterfield's are down again. (Hence the blogging hiatus:)
Here is a pic that my friend Tamara took of Briggs before he got his cast off. LOVE IT!! If you are needing pics go check her out!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lemonade Stand

The boys had their very first lemonade stand  yesterday and made about $30!! It was so much fun and they did such a good job. They sported some very good teamwork. Briggs would fill the ice and Grady would pour the lemonade. It was too cute:)

 This is the stand my Dad built for them. It is perfect!! I wish I would have had one when I was a little girl. I painted the top with chalkboard paint so that I could just write what they are selling.
 This is our neighbor Bill. The boys just love him:)
They had so much fun and I think actually learned a little bit about money. Briggs says he wants to do it everyday! Ha! I bet he does. We won't be doing it everyday but we will sometime soon. Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Baby H Gender Reveal

We had my SIL, Kyla's Gender Reveal Party last night. It turned out so cute. We did hot pink and lime green as the color scheme. 

The names she had chosen were Hudson Cam or Haddie Mae:) So cute. 

 Crue wore green.
 "H" cookies made by yours truly.
 Grady wore green too. This was the only pic I could get of him.
 Big Brother Owen.
 The infamous cupcake.
 BLUE!!!!! It's a boy!!!
 So excited to meet Hudson Cam!!! He has already stolen all of our hearts:) I can't wait to hold this precious baby. He will probably be the toughest little guy with a big brother and 3 big boy cousins!!

 Congrats to Alex, Kyla, and big bro Owen:)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mr. Popper's........

TURTLES?!?!?!?!? Have you ever seen Mr. Popper's Penguins? Well.... let me break it down for ya. This man, Mr. Popper, receives a large package on his doorstep from his father and it is a live penguin. It came with ice and everything. Mr. Popper goes on to love the penguins despite his earlier opinion of the birds.
We, The Satterfield's, had a package similar to Mr. Popper. Only it wasn't penguins we received it was turtles. REAL LIVE TURTLES!!!! Cody's friend or was friend ,Ty, gave them to Briggs for his "Swamp" theme birthday!!!

 This is the box they came in. Read closely.

 6 of these turtles came in a little butter dish all iced down. These things are so tiny!! Briggs said he was going to take "super good care of them" and he didn't want them in the mud because they might get dirty.:) They came with instructions, thank goodness, and a little bit of food.
 The boys enjoy them and we had to go see them first thing this morning.
 The boys have names for some of them: Runner, Jumper, Mudslinger, and Pooh Pooh. What ever happened to Spot or Stretch?
 The boys are pretty proud of them I just hope we can keep them alive for a little bit!!
This bumper sticker came with them and I'm pretty sure its going on my car. Ha!!
Ty, I know you are reading this and you know what they say about paybacks!!!!