Monday, August 2, 2010

I wonder......???

I think a lot. Maybe too much sometimes. I have always been a very literal person. For instance, if you tell me you are neigbors with someone, you better live RIGHT next to them, not one house over, across the street, or around about, I'm talking right smack dab next to them, otherwise you just live on the same street.

Now don't get me wrong, I never correct anyone I just don't understand it' that's all. Here are some other things I don't understand:

The University of North Texas is in Dallas.

Shouldn't it be in Amarillo?

West Texas A&M is in Canyon.

Shouldn't it be in El Paso?

Why do they call Amarillo West Texas?

That also should be the El Paso area.

These are just some of the things I just don't understand. I guess they aren't for me to understand.


Tori said...

Oh my goodness! I totally agree with you on everything! I've never understood the West Texas, North Texas thing! Too funny!