Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

This is the swing set we put up.

It was so pretty yesterday! We planted flowers and Cody and his parents finally got the swingset put up. I don't have any pictures because I need a new camera and I am getting really frustrated with mine! I will take all suggestions on good digital cameras. I want a camera that makes me look like I am good at taking pictures, because I am definitely not that, so please any suggestions will work. Have a great day!


Tammy said...

Looks like fun! I really like my Kodak easyshare Z730. It takes really good pictures.

Julia Soler said...

How fun!!! I've been through 2 cameras in the last 12 months! The first one was drowned in the ocean and the 2nd one, one of my kids dropped and broke. Bad luck! Let me know when you get a new one what you decide on!