Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I think she is very pretty, but my boys are OBSESSED! She was performing on the Today show or Good Morning America when they first discovered her. Grady was sitting in his exersaucer gazing at the T.V. and Briggs was staring at it with his mouth wide open. I came in to look at the T.V. to see what they were in awe about and it was Fergie! She was on Ellen a few days later and they did it again! ( NO I do not put my kids in front of the T.V. all day we just happened to be in the living room most of the day.) I guess Fergie is their first crush!

*As I was writing this, Briggs pointed at the computer and said "Momma" to Fergie's pic! HA!! I think I need to get his eyes checked!


The Bonjour Four said...

uh oh! you're in trouble!

adie1983 said...

Ha begins:) I saw the link to Grady's 3 month pictures, they are too cute!