Every time I say dentist it has to be said like Miss Hattie on Despicable Me!! Ha! I don't know why, but it does:) Anyways...... the older 2 boys went to the dentist. (Yes, I just wrote that to sound like Miss Hattie:)) They got a great report and we even got to see Mario!!!
No cavities for either of them!! Yay!!!I'm pretty sure I screamed when I saw Mario walk around the corner! No lie. I used to play Super Mario brothers EVERY day after school!! So cool to see him. Briggs' 6th birthday is also Super Mario themed so he was pretty excited too.
Getting the 'ole teeth a good scrubbing.
This was the only pic I could get of Grady. There is a reason for that. At least he made it into the chair. :) He did really well once he warmed up.
Briggs has already lost one tooth and the dentist (see you are saying it that way too, huh?) said that he should lose 3 more by Christmas!! You know what that means!! All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth:)
I can't believe school is fixing to start and Oh Boy am I ready!! Can't believe Briggs will be starting kindergarten!! We are going to try and enjoy what's left of summer!!